Sunday, December 30, 2012

鎴戞槸浼犲 I Am Legend_097

ent back to the bedroom. She was still in the same position. Maybe,Link, he thought, she's gone back into coma again.
He stood over the bed, staring down at her. Ruth. There was so much about her he wanted to know. And yet he was almost afraid to find out. Because if she were like the others, there was only one course open. And it was better not to know anything about the people you killed.
His hands twitched at his sides, his blue eyes gazed flatly at her. What if it had been a freak occurrence? What if she had snapped out of coma for a little while and gone wandering? It seemed possible. And yet, as far as he knew, daylight was the one thing the germ could not endure. Why wasn't that enough to convince him she was normal?
Well, there was only one way to make sure.
He bent over and put his hand on her shoulder.
"Wake up," he said.
She didn't stir. His mouth tightened and his fingers drew in on her soft shoulder.
Then he noticed the thin golden chain around her throat. Reaching in with rough fingers, he drew it out of the bosom of her dress.
He was looking at the tiny gold cross when she woke up and recoiled into the pillow. She's not in coma; that was all he thought.
"What are you d-doing?" she asked faintly.
It was harder to distrust her when she spoke. The sound of the human voice was so strange to him that it had a power over him it had never had before.
"I'm ... nothing," he said,Cheap Foamposites.
Awkwardly he stepped back and leaned against the wall. He looked at her a moment longer. Then he asked, "Where are you from?"
She lay there looking blankly at him.
"I asked you where you were from," he said. Again she said nothing. He pushed himself away from the wall with a tight look on his face.
"Ing-Inglewood," she said hastily.
He looked at her coldly for a moment,jordans for sale, then leaned back against the wall.
"I see," he said. "Did ... did you live alone,imitation rolex watches?"
"I was married." "Where is your husband?" Her throat moved. "He's dead." "For how long?" "Last week."
"And what did you do after he died?"
"Ran." She bit into her lower

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